Friday, January 31, 2020

Automation using Bluetooth (HC05) and Arduino

As'salam o alaikm
Here is one more new but simple project for graduates but very tough for DAE Students that is Automation using Bluetooth & Arduino
in this project following components are required.
  • Arduino Uno (or any)
  • HC05 (Blue tooth Module)
  • LED
  • Resistor 1k

Vcc -------------------- 5v
GND ------------------- GND
Tx -----------------------Rx
Rx -----------------------Tx
LED Anode (long leg) --------- 7
LED cathode (small leg) ------GND
like above and Practically like this.

then upload the code in to Arduino  
and Download "Bluetooth control load app" any app can work 

Download code

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Monday, January 27, 2020

Four (4) Ways Traffic control Using PIC controller

Asalam o alaikm 

Here is 4 way Traffic  Control theory on paper work

Board diagram

Circuit diagram of Proteus simulated

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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Two Digit Token Counter as UART Application

As'salam o alaikm
Today here is new application of PIC controller that is "Token Counter" basically the application of UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter).

Here is the block diagram of mentioned project.

1. Tx End
In this end of microcontroller have a keypad use to enter preset value of visitor. Press * to enter in keypad then press two digit then press # to exit from keypad. Then Tx end display that number and send to Rx end.
If you want to increment then push Up push button, for decrements press Down and for start 00 then press RST (Reset).

2. Rx End 
UART receive the number and display on 7 segment display and blink twice with beep (buzzer).

Circuit diagram of token counter
Youtube link:

For Code & Circuit

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Monday, January 20, 2020

Differences between Microcontroller and PLC

As'salam o alaikum
Its a very common question of DAE and Engineering students that what is the difference between microcontroller and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) ?
According to my study and work there are some following differences between MC (Microcontroller) and PLC.

  • Microcontroller is single chip device (having PU,RAM and ROM)
  • its special purpose device
  • approximately absolute from industry from Primary (Major) application
  • Microcontroller can't work alone (because its single chip device no any basic circuit)
  • Microcontroller can work in rough environment 
  • Low performance at high speed processing and large interrupts
  • Microcontrollercon't scan it all inputs at a time for output 
  • Instruction execution is line by line 
  • Mostly required to unplug Microcontroller from circuit for programming (but Some burning devices have ability to Program Microcontroller in circuit programming like Pik kit)
  • No indication of active I/O at all 
  • For simulation of Programming code for practice use Compiler first like MikroC then use Proteus for Simulation
  • Programming of microcontroller is in form of (algebra to write for I/Os, Conditions and actions in sequence. 

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller):
  • Programmable logic control have industrial domain
  • Special purpose controller
  • PLC industrial application device
  • PLC initially develop to replace Relay logic hardware
  • Wide adoption and use due to its Ruggedness and ability For rough environment
  • Good for real time operations
  • PLC scan and action time is very short
  • PLC instruction execution is parallel (Scan all the inputs at a time and Produce output same time according to input status.
  • In circuit programming ability
  • Indication of active input outputs
  • Working display at LCD
  • For programming & simulation practice LogixPro Software Free source is available which is compiler as well simulator
  • Proggramming of PLC is in form of symbols & blocks of I/Os, just connect, compile and run 

I noted these differences may some professionals not agree So plz Comment me with logic.
if you feel its informative for you then like, Comment and share. 

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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Home Appliances Control through Arduino & GSM Modulde

As'Salam o alaikum 
Hi guies here is a new one project in my profile "Home Appliances Control through Arduino & GSM". This project have lot of things to learn for students as well for professionals. Application of this project is very important for conman people as well Offices to control the loads from every where in the world, simply just send a SMS at your SIM (in GSM module at location) and switch ON or OFF the loads.  
In this project fallowing deices are used 
When a SMS "@lda on#" send to given SIM number then Arduino will read the new one SMS and separate out the SMS data from whole SMS data (SMS have data: sender number, time stemp, date stemp etc) and take action to give the logic to relay module. When any relevant relay will active then relevant load will be ON.
For OFF send SMS same as above will off "@lda off#" which will identify the load to off.
in SMS "@" & "#" are use to detect the SMS data from whole SMS data. @ is identification for SMS start and # is for ending.
All other detail of Arduino Uno, GSM I have discus here.

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Friday, January 17, 2020

PIR & GSM Based Security System using Arduino

As'salam Alaikum 
Hi guise Today I am discussing here very useful project all over the fields that is PIR & GSM Based Security system Using Arduino
How the security system works ?  
you can see above block diagram in which following steps of working
PIR Sensor sense the object of human or animal and give the logic to Arduino
Arduino will take action according to Programming 
Arduino will Send a SMS (Using GSM Module Sim900A) of interruption to honor and ON the buzzer
PIR: Passive Infrared sensor 
when Some body comes in the front of PIR sensor it will give a logic at Data pin for controller (Arduino)  
Internal Structure of PIR Sensor
PIN out and Some other labels about PIR Sensor
Here is a Question That What is the difference between Passive and Active IR ?
Active IR:
In this type of IR sensor it will Transmit the IR first then sense the reflected IR. but Passive IR just sense the IR radiation of any body which radiate IR like human body, animal. 
Coverage (sensing) area:
Coverage sensitivity area with angles of the PIR sensor is shown in the fallowing diagrams.

Active IR Module:
GSM Module: 
Sim900A is most papolar GSM Module. labeled GSM Sim900A is as fallows and PIN Connection with Arduino I have shown in block diagram.
Mostly we will use pin 5vT (Tx) and 5vR (Rx) and connect power supply.
AT commands use to control GSM module.
Two GSM (global mobile communication system) SIM900A we use in our project.
AT commands are used for GSM modules. If anyone wants to transmit the SMS (short message service) through GSM module then he must fallow the following steps.
Connect the GSM module with Arduino UART.
then follow the fallowing steps.
  • Send AT to GSM module to check is module working or not? If module response ‘OK’ then module ok and is in working mode.
  • Then set the text format by sending command AT+CMGF=1
  • Then send command AT+CMGS = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx to module (xxxxxxx is mobile SIM number) and module will give the blank window to write message.
  • After writing message (any information) press enter and Ctrl +z then SMS will be send and code is as attached.

In this circuit a buzzer is connected but for loud sound we can use hooter or emergency alert sounder here also.

 Coding file Download here: 

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

High / Low AC Voltage Protection Using PIC Microcontroller

اسلام علیکم من التبع الھداؑ
Hi here is new one Project of PIC microcontroller. In this Project we are making a switch for to protect the Home Appliances from High voltage (Spikes from AC line of Generator or WAPDA etc here in Pakistan) as well as Low Voltage. Specially DC operating devices like Power supplies, adopters and Cell Phone chargers effect from high voltages. 
When AC Supply rise from 280v or go down from 180v then this Controlling Circuit will cut off the AC supply from the load.
in this Project learning for students is 
1. How to scale down the Max input 
3. Interfacing BJT with PIC controller 

How to scale down the Max input ?
Max readable voltage at the input of ADC are 5v DC. So you have to adjust / scale your values in this range (0 to 5v), in this project lower cut off is 0 & upper cut off is 400 so 
400-0 = 400 
Now you suppose to 400 = 5 so 400/5=80
when AC input change of 80 will make a change of 1v at input of ADC. 
Now wen you Program your values then at 180v is my lower cut off so 180/80=2.25v at input of ADC. Now calculate the ADC reading value in Controller will make it cut. 
ADC Vmax at input = 5v 
ADC bits = 10
Total combinations = 2^10 = 1024
So How many voltage required to change on bit of ADC = 5/1024 => 4.8mv
Now At which value of ADC we will take action to ON or off Relay ?
lower cut off at input ADC= 2.25v 
ADC value 2.25/ 4.8mv = 468.75
468 value we will putt in code to take action.
Same you can calculate upper cut off.
Components list: which's used in this Project.
1. Step down transformer AC 220v to 12v
2. Bridge rectifier
3. Zener diode 5v
4. PIC 16F870 (any PIC which have ADC)
5. Crystal 10MHz
6. 22pf capacitors
7. Resistor for MCLR (1k)
8. BJT NPN 2N3904
9. SPDT/SPST Relay 5v

Circuits Diagram:
Zener Diode: 
Physical shape of zener diode   

 Zener diode always use in Reverse bias in circuit parallel to the load for voltage regulation.
here we can use SPST (Single pole single through)or SPDT (Single Pole Double Through) and DPST, DPDT relays are also awailable for different applications.
SPDT relays used in this Project to cut off the AC supply from the load when AC shoot its values.
NPN BJT: Here 2N3904 NPN transistor is used for switch of SPDT relay which use to control or cut off the AC supply when AC shoot from there normal bearable values.

Proteus & MikroC file Download here:

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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Making PCB at Home (Step by Step)

اسلام علیکم
Here is an other one article related to PCB (Printed Circuit board) designing. PCB designing is very important for Circuit designing engineers. PCB Making at home is the need of Students or hobbyist persons because they are making some samples of circuit. But some Professionals and businessman engineers order the for PCB making companies like JLC PCB, PCB cart etc. they received bulk order as well for some mini 5 samples also but 5 sample is costly more then bulk quantity. 
But here is my MSc course Project at ISRA Uniersity Islamabad {Control Home appliances using Mobile (cell phone)} this project was DTMF based (here is not required to discus more about Project but PCB).
Here PCB method is iron based by transforming toner on transparent sheet then etching by ferric chloride. 
I am explaining method step by step.
1. Take a Copper sheet of specific area and rub that by zero size sand paper.
2. Take a mirror Print of PCB layout on Transparent sheet
3. First to little heat up to Copper sheet which rubbed by sand paper then adjust PCB layout Print on Copper sheet, then set a double paper on that and heat up by iron approximately 10 minuets.
4. Peel out the transparent sheet after above time
5. Make a ferric chloride 2:1 solution in a tub then do etching
6. You will see the results like that

7. Do manual drilling by small drilling macine
8. Insert Components and do Soldering

9. Circuit Board is ready 
the above Layout was not Professional because I was not PCB expert but now I am designing professional PCBs also, if any one want my services the connect me by email.

if you like this article then like and share it.
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SUN Tracker Using PIC Microcontroller & Stepper motor

Hi to all today here with a new one Important Project of PIC microcontroller & stepper motor, that is SUN Tracker. Its very useful application for students and as well for Solar penal installation companies (means Industrial application).

Students Learning:

Here is some Learning for Students also like
1. Interface LDR with PIC Controller
2. How to initialize ADC in PIC for different application 
4. How to interface Stepper Motor with PIC controller
5. How to use ULN2003A (Motor Driver)

Components list: for Project
  • 2 LDR 
  • 2 Resister 10k  
  • 1 Resister 1k
  • 1 PIC16F876 (you can use any PIC controller having ADC)
  • 1 ULN2003A
  • 1 Stepper motor 6 wire

Circuit Diagram:

Assembly of two LDRs for Solar tracking:

LDR: Light dependent resistor 
Stepper Motor:
Five Wire
Six Wire


Code is detailed with Comments on the request of respected visitor "ROHINI"

Youtube Link:

Proteus & MikroC file Download:

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