Thursday, January 2, 2020

Which is the BEST Compiler for PIC MicroController

Hi guies I am fine and hope you too, today I am discussing about MikroC compiler for PIC microcontroller. PIC microcontroller lovers know and familiar about compilers which's mostly use for programming of PIC controller. There are three compiler mostly used for PIC controller
1.       MPLAB
2.       MikroC
3.       CCS


MPLAB is a professional and official compiler launched by Microchip. This compiler has top rating in the view of professional engineers, those who works at deep level of microcontroller and mostly required understanding with PIC controller single bit level. When I was in MSc Electronics then my teacher make and explain all practical with MPLAB. MPLAB has some following features

1.       Highly professional
2.       Free to download fromMicrochip
3.       Firstly you install MPLAB then you required MPLAB C18 for C language
4.       We can program in assembly language also
5.       Its bit difficult for starter/beginner students
6.       But if you want to complete grip on your project then  this is best
7.       If you are beginners then I don’t recommend you
8.       If you are professional then you have to go with it

MikroC is also a professional compiler with PIC microcontroller.  This compiler is launched by mikroe. After my final year project when I start working in field then I ever use MikroC. MikroC has some following features

1.       Professional compliler
2.       Its not for freedownload, paid and could be download from MikroEelektronika official website
3.       Wen you install it, its gives the option of MikroC suit and driver also to burn the hex file
4.       We can program with C and in assembly language also
5.       MikroC is much friendly then MPLAB
6.       MikroC has lot of built_in libraries which makes the programming easy
7.       It recommended for beginners
8.       MikroC is very easy I love it for programming
9.       In my view MikroC is best ever compiler for PIC


CCS is also software for PIC programming. This software has purely C language syntax. Its at third No because CCS has no lot of features as compare to MPLAB and MikroC.  

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